“I want you to get excited about who you are, what you are, what you have, and what can still be for you. I want to inspire you to see that you can go far beyond where you are right now.”

- Virginia Satir

Are you a gay male finding that the life you have cultivated for yourself is unfulfilling? Do you sometimes feel you have no idea what you are doing or where to even begin? How about navigating through life in a committed gay relationship, but finding that you and your partner just can't seem to get on the same page?

You may also be in your early twenties and thirties feeling like you don't fit in with those you have held close relationships with your entire life or adult life. Even with increased acceptance and representation, some gay men find that they are experiencing even more mental health issues than before.

Have you recently experienced a breakup? Are you left asking yourself “What did I do wrong? Why can’t I ever get this right? Am I destined to be alone for the rest of my life?” Does it feel like no matter what you do different, you always end up with the same type fo person?

After identifying the need for a deeper understanding of what drives men within the gay community to excessively indulge in socially acceptable behaviors, I strive to help them achieve greater awareness and insight into how these behaviors serve to foster meaningful connections, but also soothe collective wounds from inside and outside the community.

If you are ready for a different type of therapy experience, where you look forward to the opportunity to peel back those layers you may not even know are there, as well as feel like you are talking to a familiar face, please feel free to reach out to me so that we can help you identify those issues that keep you from living the most authentic life possible! I can guarantee crying will happen but feel great!

“As a fellow colleague who has personally worked with Nicholas and been witness to his clients transformations, I trust and know that Nicholas helps clients walk through trauma and emotional stress and come through mended and whole!”

                                                                                                                                                         - Jennifer Friend, LMFT